"; echo "
"; if (isset($_GET['email'])) { if (isset($_GET['fail']) && ($_GET['fail']=='no')) { echo "Your password has been sent to your email.
"; echo "
Click here to login"; } } else { if (isset($_GET['fail']) && $_GET['fail']== 'yes') { echo "The username you entered is not registred or you mispelled it.
"; } echo " Enter your username or email below to recieve your password by mail.
"; } }else { echo "
"; echo "
old style menu
I have trouble logging in...
"; echo "Forgot your password? Click here.
"; $config = $GLOBALS['config']; if (/*$config['status']=='Running'*/ true) { $database->query("select loginId from Login where (UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-UNIX_TIMESTAMP(timestamp))<(3600) AND loggedon='Y' group by pID"); // last 10 minutes $num = $database->numRows(); // $database->query("select loginId from Login where (UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-UNIX_TIMESTAMP(timestamp))<(3600*24*7) group by pID"); // last 10 minutes // $total= $database->numRows(); } else { $database->query("Select pID from Province where kiID>0"); $num = $total = $database->numRows(); } if (isset($config['status'])) { if ($config['status']=='Running') echo "Game status: $config[status] with $num users online NOW."; else if ($config['status']=='Pause') echo "Game status: $config[status] with $num users online NOW. Game will start in $config[pause] hours"; else echo "Game status: $config[status] with $num users online NOW. Game will open for signups in $config[pause] hours"; echo "
The server is running in ". $config['serverMode'] ." mode"; } else { echo "Game status: GAME IS DOWN (Database failure)"; } $database->query("select SEC_TO_TIME((5*60*runInterval)-(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())-UNIX_TIMESTAMP(lastTickTime))) as nextTick from Config"); $nextTick = $database->fetchArray(); echo "
Next update will be in: $nextTick[nextTick] hours"; } ?>